Mess Free Tummy Time Art Project For Infants


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Are you looking for ways to encourage your little one to spend more time [happily] on their belly, or has your babe now figured out how to roll out of Tummy Time? Well, I found the perfect activity to capture their attention and keep them occupied in Tummy Time….finger painting!! Now ,before you start imagining primary colors all over your baby and your floors, let me tell you that the best part about this finger painting project is that it’s completely mess free. Yeay!


Supplies you’ll need:

Step by Step:

  1. Squirt finger paint at random onto a plain white piece of paper:


2. Slide the paper + paint into the Ziploc:


3. Zip the Ziploc (duh):


4. Tape the Ziploc to the floor:

Wider masking tape would be an even better choice.

5. Help baby into Tummy Time and allow them to touch, smush and smear the paint however they like:img_5697.jpg

If your baby isn’t yet independently pushing up into tummy time, you can use a Boppy pillow, rolled up towel, or your lap to support their chest and allow their hands to be free for the project.

tummy time

You could also work on the project with a supported sitter, or even using the highchair tray if Tummy Time isn’t working for your little one:










6. Cut around all the edges of the Ziploc:


7. Peel up, take out their masterpiece, and lay it flat to dry:


Voilá – your baby is a regular Picasso!

If you’re feeling adventurous [AKA up for a mess] below are some fun recipes for EDIBLE finger paint you can use for out of the Ziploc fun with your older infants/toddlers. I’m looking forward to those days!

Now that Taylor is a little more physically coordinated [AKA able to roll out of Tummy Time] I really want to start incorporating more sensory-based art experiences like this one for her. I’m hoping to do a couple activities a month with her on my off day and share them with you here. I think we can develop quite the little art gallery!

I hope you have fun with this one, mama.

xo, Ashley (1)

My watch: JORD Wood Watches, the Frankie Series


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